Trollhättan Vänersborg Airport, SE-461 93, Sweden

+46 (0) 520 160 00

About us

Founded in 2020 by two flight instructors, Alpha Aviation Academy (Sweden) is an aviation school created by pilots, for pilots. Our philosophy is to providing our students with the latest top-end technologies in the aviation sector and offering the highest standard of safety.


Daniel Viktorsson

Accountable Manager
Head of Training
EASA Flight Examiner

Amin Kamyab

Safety Manager
Compliance Monitoring Manager
EASA/FAA Flight Instructor
A-UPRT Instructor

Kjell Böhl

EASA Flight Instructor
Airline Commander
EASA Examiner

Cory Therriault

Chief Flying Instructor
EASA Flight Instructor
Airline Pilot

Saad Idlbi
Saad Idlbi

EASA Flight Instructor
Airline Pilot

Claes M Johansson

EASA Flight Instructor
Airline Commander

Olle Häger

EASA Flight Instructor

Lidia Roset

EASA Flight Instructor